Subsequent hydrogeological reports have conveniently overlooked this seemingly categorical statement of the ephemerality or otherwise of the Wappentake Creek.
We have numerous statutory declarations from long-time residents of the area confirming the creek's flowing throughout the year. The Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority has this revegetation list declaring the area to be wetlands.
The creek's year-round flows ("a base flow component" provided by "groundwater") have been lied about and misrepresented in numerous documents and forums by numerous people in order to facilitate the removal of more groundwater than the area could withstand.
(We have a post detailing the further dissemination of this misinformation prior to the Splitters Creek approval. In the linked article, for example it is also implied that a reverse osmosis plant would merely treat "salinity", conveniently overlooking the heavy metals that would also need to be removed by such a process.
One would assume that any member of a regulatory authority would have apprised themselves of the quality of the water before making a decision to approve the evaporative facility. Not in the least. Cr Elise Chapman of Bendigo Council was heard to vote in favour of the Splitters Creek facility because there was only going to be "salt" in the water.)
For those interested in such things, a Wappentake (or Wapentake) is a a term derived from the Old Norse vápnatak; Wikipedia has a section on its derivation here.
Here's the Britannica. Wouldn't it be interesting to find out who drew up the old maps and named places to see if they came from "York, Lincoln, Leicester, Nottingham, Derby, and Rutland"?
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