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Sb Testing

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Stage 2 Golder Issues

The ABC's 7:30 Report featured a piece on Costerfield. This allowed the Government and Regulators to disseminate disinformation to the people of not just Costerfield, but the whole of Victoria.

At 3:56 ... Dr Shaun Greene can be clearly heard to state (despite the clumsy edit that takes place in response to the ABC reporter's 'rhetorical' follow-up question - a question that is made rhetorical by the fact that Dr Greene is edited in such a way that he need provide no answer; we certainly hear no correction of the reporter's handy summary of the false claim):

Dr Green: We know now that there's been problems in terms of the container that the urine was collected in.

ABC: That that contained antimony itself? 

Yet that is simply not the case. The "problem in terms of container" stems from the splitting of the samples and the bottles employed thereafter AND NOT from the bottles employed by the Costerfield doctors and which the initial samples were "collected in". And Dr Greene should be fully aware of this.

That would make this statement a lie.

The Department of Health has been confronted with this fact on numerous occasions but is yet to offer any response or withdrawal of this patently false claim. 

Close examination of the ABC's video reveals that Dr Greene's computer monitor displays a graph indicating that the "RPA [Royal Prince Alfred] stopped splitting samples" on June 30...

But this is not the only false claim made to the media during these events.

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